As an independent and globally operating medium-sized company, ACMOS CHEMIE KG has been successful in the field of release agents and process auxiliaries for more than 100 years.
Our products support our customers in their efforts for efficient, safe and resource-friendly manufacturing.
In this way, ACMOS makes an important contribution for the economy, work safety and environmental protection of our partners.
The success of our trade is based on a number of business principles:
- As a company, we feel obliged to our employees and and their families.
It is our ambition to provide an economically safe workplace. - As a company of the chemical industry, we are aware of the special responsibility
with regard to environment and work safety. - Our development goals are ambitious and always customer-oriented.
- We consider economic success as proof of our performance.
- We support our employees regardless of gender, religion or ethnicity.
As a family-owned company, ACMOS CHEMIE KG has the claim to act reliably and responsibly – not only towards our employees, but also towards the region and the people of Bremen. ACMOS therefore supports numerous social and cultural institutions and thus shows commitment for a better society.